analog filters

On the use of voltage conveyors for the synthesis of biquad filters and arbitrary networks

The Voltage Conveyor (VCII) is the dual of the second generation Current Conveyor (CCII), and has received only a cursory attention in the literature, probably for lack of interesting applications. The VCII has a current buffer between Y and X terminals, and a voltage buffer between X and Z terminals. In this way, it makes it easier to sum (current) signals at the Y node, whereas CCIIs make it easier to sum (current) signals at the X node. Exploiting this difference between the two dual circuits, a very simple N-port synthesizer can be obtained using only N VCIIs.

Low-power class-AB 4th-order low-pass filter based on current conveyors with dynamic mismatch compensation of biasing errors

A 4th-order Butterworth class-AB current-mode low-pass filter is proposed, based on second-generation Current Conveyors (CCII). Class-AB operation allows high-power efficiency and driving large loads with small quiescent currents. The CCII topology uses the class-AB output buffer with error amplifiers: this topology is known to be sensitive to mismatch errors, which cause offsets in the error amplifiers, affecting the biasing current of the stage. This problem is solved via a control loop, which compensates the effect of mismatches.

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