ancient Mesopotamia

The frst campaign at Eridu, April 2019 (Project AMEr)

The article presents the results of the frst campaign carried out at Eridu, entered (since 2016) in the World Heritage List of UNESCO, by the Iraqi-Italian-French mission led by F. D’Agostino and P. Quenet. The excavations of the limestone retaining wall at SW of Site (Mound) 1 and of the area outside the temenos where the Ubaid cemetery laid are introduced, together with the study of the epigraphic material found during the diggings. The geomagnetic and aerial survey with UAV (photogrammetry) of Sites 3, 4 and 5 are presented as well.

Receptions of the Ancient Near East in Popular Culture and Beyond

This book is an enthusiastic celebration of the ways in which popular culture has consumed aspects of the ancient Near East to construct new realities. The editors have brought together an impressive line-up of scholars-archaeologists, philologists, historians, and art historians-to reflect on how objects, ideas, and interpretations of the ancient Near East have been remembered, constructed, reimagined, mythologized, or indeed forgotten within our shared cultural memories.

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