and optics

The POLICRYPS liquid-crystalline structure for optical applications

We present a review of polymer-liquid crystal-based devices for optical applications. Starting from a particular fabrication technique, which enables to obtain the POLICRYPS (POlymer LIquid CRYstal Polymer Slices) structure, we illustrate different realizations, along with their working principle and main features and performances. The name POLICRYPS indicates a structure made of parallel slices of pure polymeric material alternated to films of well-aligned nematic liquid crystal (NLC), with a spatial periodicity that can be settled in the range 0.2÷15 μm.

Parallel sorting of orbital and spin angular momenta of light in a record large number of channels

Parallel sorting of orbital and spin angular momentum components of structured optical beams is demonstrated. Both spin channels are multiplexed within the novel orbital angular momentum (OAM) sorter, reducing the size, weight, and number of elements. The sorted states are linearly spaced over 70 topological charge values. We experimentally and theoretically evaluate the operational range and crosstalk between neighboring channels and find that 30 orbital angular momentum states are available per spin channel for quantum communication or cryptography.

Beam shaping diffractive wave plates [Invited]

We present and discuss opportunities opened up by a new generation of beam shaping optical elements that combine capabilities of digital spatial light polarization converters and diffractive properties of thin liquid crystalline films with patterned orientation of anisotropy axis (diffractive wave plates). Several functions of the new generation beam shapers are demonstrated, among them converting a laser beam of a Gaussian profile into a ring profile in the far field, a flattop profile, and into complex images.

CleAir monitoring system for particulate matter. A case in the Napoleonic Museum in Rome

Monitoring the air particulate concentration both outdoors and indoors is becoming a more relevant issue in the past few decades. An innovative, fully automatic, monitoring system called CleAir is presented. Such a system wants to go beyond the traditional technique (gravimetric analysis), allowing for a double monitoring approach: the traditional gravimetric analysis as well as the optical spectroscopic analysis of the scattering on the same filters in steady-state conditions.

Investigation of permeability effect on slip velocity and temperature jump boundary conditions for FMWNT/Water nanofluid flow and heat transfer inside a microchannel filled by a porous media

The fluid flow and heat transfer of a nanofluid is numerically examined in a two dimensional microchannel filled by a porous media. Present nanofluid consists of the functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes suspended in water which are enough stable through the base fluid. The homogenous mixture is in the thermal equilibrium which means provide a single phase substance. The porous media is considered as a Darcy- Forchheimer model.

Near-Field Reduction in a Wireless Power Transfer System Using LCC Compensation

This paper deals with wireless power transfer technology applied to charge the battery of a short-distance electric vehicle. Different compensation topologies (series-series and LCC compensations) are examined and compared in terms of magnetic field emission and system efficiency. The investigation is carried out by simulations and measurements taking into account the variation of the coupling factor due to possible lateral misalignment of the parallel coils, and of the load conditions that depend on the level of the battery charge.

Frequency-Domain Analysis of Sectionalized Shield Wires on PLC Transmission over High-Voltage Lines

In high-voltage transmission lines, the continuity of shield wires is often broken to reduce losses. The accurate simulation of the effects of this practice on power line communications in multiconductor transmission lines is performed in order to put in evidence the relevant channel features and the consequences on the radiated electromagnetic fields.

Study of rare nuclear processes with CUORE

TeO2bolometers have been used for many years to search for neutrinoless double beta decay in130Te. CUORE, a tonne-scale TeO2detector array, recently published the most sensitive limit on the half-life, > 1.5 × 1025yr, which corresponds to an upper bound of 140-400 meV on the effective Majorana mass of the neutrino. While it makes CUORE a world-leading experiment looking for neutrinoless double beta decay, it is not the only study that CUORE will contribute to in the field of nuclear and particle physics.

Sensitivity to heavy-metal ions of unfolded fullerene quantum dots

A novel type of graphene-like quantum dots, synthesized by oxidation and cage-opening of C60 buckminsterfullerene, has been studied as a ?uorescent and absorptive probe for heavy-metal ions. The lattice structure of such unfolded fullerene quantum dots (UFQDs) is distinct from that of graphene since it includes both carbon hexagons and pentagons. The basic optical properties, however, are similar to those of regular graphene oxide quantum dots.

ASK-based spatial multiplexing RGB scheme using symbol-dependent self-interference for detection

We propose a vsible light communication scheme utilizing red, green and blue lightemitting diodes (LEDs) and three color-Tuned photodiodes. Amplitude shift keying modulation is considered, and its effect on light emission in terms of flickering, dimming, and color rendering is discussed. The presence of interference at each photodiode generated by the other two colors is used to improve detection since interference is symbol-dependent.

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