annular strip grating

A new class of nondiffracting pulses based on focusing leaky waves

In this work, we propose an azimuthally-invariant periodic leaky-wave radiator for the generation of Bessel beams and X-waves by means of backward cylindrical leaky waves at millimeter wavelengths. A rigorous framework is first outlined to understand the theoretical constraints of such novel design. A specific attention is devoted to the impact of the attenuation constant on the focusing properties of the device. On this basis, a practical design is then proposed to meet the previous requirements.

Planar antenna design for omnidirectional conical radiation through cylindrical leaky waves

An annular periodic leaky-wave antenna (LWA) fed by a simple azimuth-symmetric source is designed to generate a high-gain omnidirectional conical beam pattern which scans with frequency over a wide angular range. The proposed structure is defined by a finite metallic radial strip grating printed on a grounded dielectric slab which supports an n = 0 cylindrical leaky wave (CLW) mode. The distinctive features of CLWs supported by such a truncated structure are also highlighted and discussed.

A new class of nondiffracting pulses based on focusing leaky waves

In this work, we propose an azimuthally-invariant periodic leaky-wave (LW) radiator for the generation of Bessel beams and X-waves by means of backward cylindrical LWs at millimeter wavelengths. A rigorous framework is first outlined to understand the theoretical constraints of such a novel design. A specific attention is devoted to the impact of the attenuation constant on the focusing properties of the generated Bessel beams. On this basis, a practical design is then proposed to meet the previous requirements.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma