antioxidant capacity

Looking if any correlation exists between the total antioxidant capacity and polyphenol concentration (measured using two different enzyme sensors) in several food or feed based vegetables and pharmaceutical integrators

he principal aim of the present research has been to check if any correlation exists between the total antioxidant capacity (TAOC) value and the total polyphenols content (TPC) of several food, or beverages and feed samples based vegetables. The research was also extended to several food supplements currently sold as pharmaceutical integrators. © Springer International Publishing AG 2018.

UHPLC-PDA-ESI-TOF/MS metabolic profiling and antioxidant capacity of arabica and robusta coffee silverskin: antioxidants vs phytotoxins

A deeper knowledge of the chemical composition of coffee silverskin (CS) is needed due to the growing interest in its use as a food additive or an ingredient of dietary supplements. Accordingly, the aim of this paper was to investigate the metabolic profile of aqueous extracts of two varieties of CS, Coffee arabica (CS-A), Coffee canephora var. robusta (CS-R) and of a blend of the two (CS-b) and to compare it to the profile of Coffee arabica green coffee (GC).

Evaluation of antioxidant properties of particulate matter by DPPH assay

Several acellular methods, defined as oxidative potential (OP) assays, have been developed to assess the particulate matter (PM) oxidative capacity and they are considered as predictors of the ability of dust to generate oxidative stress in living organisms. There is no agreement regarding the most representative assay to measure the OP of PM (Ayres et al., 2008), but methods mostly used on the PM filter extracts are the dithiothreitol (DTT; Cho et al., 2005), the 2?,7?-dichlorofluorescin (DCFH; Hung et al., 2001) and the ascorbic acid (AA; Stoeger et al., 2008) assays.

Effect of pasteurization on flavonoids and carotenoids in citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck cv. ‘Cara Cara’ and ‘Bahia’ juices

Orange juice is considered an excellent dietary source of several bioactive compounds with beneficial properties
for human health. Citrus sinensis Osbeck cv. ‘Cara Cara’ is a bud mutation originated from ‘Washington’ navel orange, also known
as ‘Bahia’ navel orange. The ascorbic acid, flavonoid, and carotenoid contents in pasteurized and nonpasteurized Bahia and Cara
Cara juices using two LC-MS/MS platforms were investigated. Higher ascorbic acid content was observed in Bahia compared to

An insight into the reactivity of the electrogenerated radical cation of caffeine

Controlled potential electrolyses of caffeine (CAF) were carried out at a Pt electrode in undried acetonitrile (ACN) and ACN-H2O and the products of the anodic oxidation were analyzed by HPLC-PDA-ESI-MS/MS. A higher current efficiency occurred in ACN-H2O, but an analogous chromatographic outline was found in both media, evidencing a reactive pathway of the electrogenerated radical cation CAF•+ with water, added or in trace, as nucleophile. No dimeric forms were evidenced, excluding any coupling reactions.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma