
Between modernism and nationalism. Hungarian literature and the search for national identity

The volume edits papers on "Dynamics and Policies of Prejudice from the Eighteenth to the Twenty-first Century", collecting contributions in parts devoted to "The Impact of Modernization: Old and New Bias in the Age of Transition", "The Anti-Semitic Disease: From Prejudice to Annihilation", "Shaping Identities and National Consciousness", "Ethnic and Religious Conflicts", "Balkanization", "The Russian Neighbour", "Multidisciplinary Perspectives", "A Question of Gender" and "Dealing with Prejudice: Responses and Analysis of Discrimination".

Kant’s Anti-Semitism? On the Question of the “Return of Israel” in the Vorarbeiten zur Religion innerhalb der Grenzen der bloßen Vernunft

Kant’s relationship to Judaism is highly controversial. In this paper I will try to address a specific question that is related to many of the
passages where Kant speaks of Judaism: the one concerning the so-called ‘return of Israel’. That expression involves two different issues: on the one
side, the idea of the return of the Jewish people to Palestine. On the other side, some Christian thinkers understood this idea as the necessity of the

The Great War against Eastern European Jewry, 1914-1920

Il libro analizza le condizioni degli ebrei russi durante la prima guerra mondiale e il periodo delle rivoluzioni in Russia grazie a una solida base documentaria fornita dagli archivi del Joint Distribution Committee. Oltre all'opera di assistenza, comunque, si cerca di approfondire le problematiche connesse alla guerra, come la violenza e le normi anti-ebraiche, la questione dei rifugiati e i pogrom successivi alla conclusione del conflitto.

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