Open access and journal ranking. First considerations

The aim of the article is to give a first overall view of the position, score and/or rank of the "non bibliometric" journals in the ANVUR list of the "08 Architettura" area, with regard to the "Arts and Humanities" themes that are present in all the databases examined, in order to table the sampled journals in a summary framework - among the various methods of evaluation of the research -.

Educational system assessment: Italy and Finland, comparative case study

Educational system assessment allows the evaluation of some learning
outcomes and permits the continuous monitoring of educational processes. The
aim of this study is to explore the ways used to assess and evaluate school
systems and universities and students’ learning outcomes in Italy and Finland,
two important educational realities as shown in PISA (Programme for
International Student Assessment) results (OECD, 2019). The attention is
focused on common and uncommon practices employed in each country and

Le tribolazioni del ricercatore tra ingiunzioni valutative e pratiche di cura di sè

Il contributo sintetizza alcune risultanze empiriche di una ricerca sul tema della valutazione tramite un approccio biografico. I ricercatori hanno cercato di indagare come i mutamenti intercorsi nel sistema universitario, a seguito dell’introduzione dei nuovi quadri normativi che hanno introdotto la valutazione, abbiano radicalmente modificato il vissuto socio-professionale dei docenti.

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