
A methodology for determining the profitability index of real estate initiatives involving public-private partnerships. A case study: The integrated intervention programs in Rome

In the European Union, real estate initiatives involving public-private partnerships (PPPs) are characterized by the payment of a charge, which is generally used for public purposes (and works). In Italy, since the 1990s, PPPs have also been used to start negotiated initiatives giving the possibility of modifying town planning forecasts. Such initiatives are aimed at increasing the value of private properties and, through the charge, financing public works.

Applying the depreciated replacement cost method when assessing the market value of public property lacking comparables and income data

The growing interest in the enhancement, management, and sale of public building stock has increased the importance of their valuation and, as a result, the need to identify suitable methods for estimating value that take into account their peculiarities. They often boast architectural features (interfloor distance, layout, finishings, types of wiring/heating systems, etc.) that make them ‘extraordinary’ assets; in some cases, these features also endow them with monumental and/or historical importance. Thus, when valuating, it is necessary to adopt suitable methods.

The Assessment of Public Buildings with Special Architectural Features Using the Cost Approach

The growing interest in issues to do with the administration, enhancement and sale of public building stock has increased the need for their
valuation and, as a result, has increasingly highlighted the need to identify suitable methods for estimating value that take into account the peculiarities of
public buildings. In Italy, public buildings often boast ‘special’ architectural features (interfloor distance, layout, finishings, type of wiring/heating systems,

Public interest evaluation in negotiated public-private partnership

'Public interest' has always been a necessary and unavoidable condition in Public-Private Partnership negotiated-type (PPPN), introduced in the Italian law in 1992. However, only in 2014 that the meaning of public interest has been clarified through art. 17.1 letter g) of Law no. 164/2014, by matching it with an extraordinary contribute of urbanisation. In this law the extraordinary contribution is defined by taking into account only the purely financial criteria. Instead, European Directives and case law reaffirmed the multi-dimensional connotation of public interest.

An integrated approach for the assessment of urban transformation proposals in historic and consolidated tissues

The definition of a refurbishment intervention, in every step of the building process, brings to a complex decision problem; in a diachronic dimension of time, iterative and interactive must be put in relation a large variety of aspects with interrelations, concerning components, stakeholders and procedures that must be considered.

A model to assess the feasibility of public-private partnership for social housing

The effects of the world economic and financial crisis, which began in 2007 and is still in progress, has made increasingly sharp the line of demarcation between those able to access home ownership on the free market, and those unable to do so. For the European Union's member states, Social Housing (SH) policies include all the initiatives aimed at providing housing support for all the weak segments of the population; these policies have declined differently by different Member States according to their specific needs.

Technical and Economic Evaluation of a Building Recovery in Public-Private Partnership in Rome

The purpose of this article is to present the assessment procedure developed and operatively applied to verify the technical, regulatory, and financial conditions for implementing an intervention for the recovery/repurposing of a publicly-owned building through a public/private/partnership operation.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma