
Fully immersed: State absorption and electrophysiological effects of the OVO Whole-Body Perceptual Deprivation chamber

Absorption, the ability to highly focus attention, as well as openness to self-altering experiences, is an important psychological construct, closely related to deep-meditation states and other altered states of consciousness. Yet, little is known about the electrophysiological profile of states of absorption, possibly due to the difficulty to induce this state in the lab.

Contingent negative variation and P3 modulations following mindful movement training

In the study of the electrophysiological correlates of attention, a phasic change in alertness has been classically related to a negative frontal-central shift called Contingent Negative Variation (CNV). Studies investigating the effects of meditation on the CNV in participants reporting frequent transcendental experiences (TE) reported reduced CNV in choice reaction time task (CRT), and increased CNV in simple reaction time task (SRT), suggesting that meditation can induce a more balanced attentional state.

EEG correlates of preparatory orienting, contextual updating and inhibition of sensory processing in left spatial neglect

Studies with event-related potentials have highlighted deficits in the early phases of orienting to left visual targets in right-brain-damaged patients with left spatial neglect (N). However, brain responses associated with preparatory orienting of attention, with target novelty and with the detection of a match/mismatch between expected and actual targets (contextual updating), have not been explored in N.

Concomitant recovery from left spatial neglect and inflammatory dysfunction of white-matter pathways in a case of acute disseminated encephalo-myelitis (ADEM)

Spatial neglect is an invalidating neuropsychological syndrome characterized by the inability of paying attention to the side of space contralateral to a unilateral brain damage. Recent studies have suggested that lesion of white-matter pathways plays an important role in producing spatial neglect by causing a widespread functional breakdown of the network of cortical and subcortical structures that regulates orienting of spatial attention.

Spatial uncertainty improves the distribution of visual attention and the availability of sensory information for conscious report

Picking-up and exploiting spatial and temporal regularities in the occurrence of sensory events is important for goal-directed behaviour. According to the “Predictive Coding Hypothesis” (Friston Philosophical Trans R Soc B 360(1456):815–836, 2005), these regularities are used to generate top-down predictions that are constantly compared with actual sensory events. In a previous study with the Attentional Blink (AB) paradigm, we showed that the temporal and probabilistic uncertainty of T2s that are presented outside the Attentional Blink period, i.e.

Deconstructing reorienting of attention: Cue predictiveness modulates the inhibition of the no-target side and the hemispheric distribution of the P1 response to invalid targets

Orienting of attention produces a “sensory gain” in the processing of visual targets at attended locations and an increase in the amplitude of target-related P1 and N1 ERPs. P1 marks gain reduction at unattended locations; N1 marks gain enhancement at attended ones. Lateral targets that are preceded by valid cues also evoke a larger P1 over the hemisphere contralateral to the no-target side, which reflects inhibition of this side of space [Slagter, H. A., Prinssen, S., Reteig, L. C., & Mazaheri, A.

Attention deficits in stroke patients: the role of lesion characteristics, time from stroke, and concomitant neuropsychological deficits

Attention impairments are frequent in stroke patients with important consequences on the rehabilitation outcomes and quality of life. The aim of the study was to perform a comprehensive assessment of selective and intensive attention processes in a large population of brain-damaged patients, evaluating the influence of the side and site of the brain lesion, the time from stroke, and the concomitant presence of aphasia or neglect.

Divided attention enhances the recognition of emotional stimuli. Evidence from the attentional boost effect

The present study examined predictions of the early-phase-elevated-attention hypothesis of the attentional boost effect (ABE), which suggests that transient increases in attention at encoding, as instantiated in the ABE paradigm, should enhance the recognition of neutral and positive items (whose encoding is mostly based on controlled processes), while having small or null effects on the recognition of negative items (whose encoding is primarily based on automatic processes).

Visual attention modulates phenomenal consciousness: evidence from a change detection study

The distinction between phenomenal and access consciousness has been influential in the field of consciousness studies. Both Block and Lamme proposed that access consciousness, or narrow cognitive accessibility, is related to a limited capacity working memory, and that phenomenal consciousness, or broad cognitive accessibility, is related to iconic memory or, more recently, to a fragile (intermediate) short-term memory store with a larger capacity than working memory.

Effects of the mindfulness-based stress reduction program on mind wandering and dispositional mindfulness facets

Mind wandering is characterized by the absence of cognitive focus on a task, due to interfering spontaneous mentation. Despite a
large number of investigations on mind wandering and mindfulness training in recent years, very few studies have directly
investigated the effects of mindfulness training on mind wandering. In this study, we originally investigated the effects of
mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) training on objective and subjective indices of mind wandering, by using the

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