
Conductor losses calculation in two-dimensional simulations of H-plane rectangular waveguides

This paper presents a novel numerical approach to simulate H-plane rectangular-waveguide microwave circuits considering a reduced quasi-2D simulation domain with benefits for computational cost and time. With the aim to evaluate the attenuation of the full height 3D component, we propose a modified expression for the waveguide top/bottom wall conductivity. Numerical 2D simulations are validated against results from full wave 3-D commercial electromagnetic simulator.

Microwave tropospheric scintillation and excess attenuation prediction for satellite to earth links using 3D high-resolution meteorological forecast models: data validation and case study

High frequencies in the microwave spectrum are nowadays no more just con ned to telemetry and remote sensing applications. Electromagnetic propagation at frequencies above 6 GHz for ICT end-user application is quickly becoming a reality opening the door to the world of millimeter and sub-millimeter wavelengths. Due to the high frequencies and large bandwidths requested for new devices, the design of the communication links to grant the appropriate service is now critical, especially for Satellite to Earth links.

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