automated image analysis

Near real time space-based space debris detection based on parallel image processing pipeline

The space debris environment is one of the main issues in present and future space missions in Earth orbit. The threat posed by these objects to operational satellites is getting more and more severe due to their increasing number, which determines, as consequence, an increase in the risk of potential accidental collisions. Some orbits are of particular interest for many applications and then more exposed to the space debris threat.

Efficient and automatic image reduction framework for space debris detection based on GPU technology

In the last years, the increasing number of space debris has triggered the need of a distributed monitoring system for the prevention of possible space collisions. Space surveillance based on ground telescope allows the monitoring of the traffic of the Resident Space Objects (RSOs) in the Earth orbit. This space debris surveillance has several applications such as orbit prediction and conjunction assessment. In this paper is proposed an optimized and performance-oriented pipeline for sources extraction intended to the automatic detection of space debris in optical data.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma