Prep1 deficiency affects olfactory perception and feeding behavior by impairing BDNF-TrkB mediated neurotrophic signaling

Prep1 is a homeodomain transcription factor which has an important role in hindbrain development. Prep1 expression is also kept in adult mouse brain and in particular within the olfactory bulbs. Moreover, many Prep1 neurons co-localize with Calbindin-positive periglomerular interneurons in olfactory glomerular layer. However, Prep1 function in this brain region is still unknown. In this study, we show that Prep1 hypomorphic heterozygous (Prep1i/+) mice express low levels of protein and feature a 30% reduction of olfactory bulb area, compared to WT mice.

Social Defeat Stress During Early Adolescence Confers Resilience Against a Single Episode of Prolonged Stress in Adult Rats

Early-life adverse experiences (first hit) lead to coping strategies that may confer resilience or vulnerability to later experienced stressful events (second hit) and the subsequent development of stress-related psychopathologies. Here, we investigated whether exposure to two stressors at different stages in life has long-term effects on emotional and cognitive capabilities, and whether the interaction between the two stressors influences stress resilience.

Vagus nerve stimulation and neurotrophins: a biological psychiatric perspective

Since 2004, vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) has been used in treatment-resistant or treatment-intolerant depressive episodes. Today, VNS is suggested as possible therapy for a larger spectrum of psychiatric disorders, including schizophrenia, obsessive compulsive disorders, and panic disorders. Despite a large body of literature supports the application of VNS in patients’ treatment, the exact mechanism of action of VNS remains not fully understood.

VEGF inhibition alters neurotrophin signalling pathways and induces caspase-3 activation and autophagy in rabbit retina

This study sought to evaluate the prospective role exerted by vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in the modulation of nerve growth factor (NGF) and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) signalling pathways in the rabbit retina. To reach this aim, the anti-VEGF agents aflibercept and ranibizumab were used as a pharmacological approach to evaluate the putative consequences elicited by VEGF inhibition on neurotrophin signalling.

Pre-reproductive parental enriching experiences influence progeny’s developmental trajectories

While the positive effects of environmental enrichment (EE) applied after weaning, in adulthood, during aging, or even in the presence of brain damage have been widely described, the transgenerational effects of pre-reproductive EE have been less examined. And yet, this issue is remarkable given that parental environmental experience may imprint offspring's phenotype over generations through many epigenetic processes. Interactions between individual and environment take place lifelong even before conception.

The glycoside oleandrin reduces glioma growth with direct and indirect effects on tumor cells

Oleandrin is a glycoside that inhibits the ubiquitous enzyme Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase. In addition to its known effects on cardiac muscle, recent in vitro and in vivo evidence highlighted its potential for anticancer properties. Here, we evaluated for the first time the effect of oleandrin on brain tumors. To this aim, mice were transplanted with human or murine glioma and analyzed for tumor progression upon oleandrin treatment. In both systems, oleandrin impaired glioma development, reduced tumor size, and inhibited cell proliferation.

Arc 3? UTR splicing leads to dual and antagonistic effects in fine-tuning arc expression upon BDNF signaling

Activity-regulated cytoskeletal associated protein (Arc) is an immediate-early gene critically involved in synaptic plasticity and memory consolidation. Arc mRNA is rapidly induced by synaptic activation and a portion is locally translated in dendrites where it modulates synaptic strength. Being an activity-dependent effector of homeostatic balance, regulation of Arc is uniquely tuned to result in short-lived bursts of expression. Cis-Acting elements that control its transitory expression post-transcriptionally reside primarily in Arc mRNA 3? UTR.

Alcohol as an early life stressor: epigenetics, metabolic, neuroendocrine and neurobehavioral implications

Ethanol exposure during gestation is an early life stressor that profoundly dysregulates structure and functions of the embryonal nervous system, altering the cognitive and behavioral development. Such dysregulation is also achieved by epigenetic mechanisms, which, altering the chromatin structure, redraw the entire pattern of gene expression. In parallel, an oxidative stress response at the cellular level and a global upregulation of neuroendocrine stress response, regulated by the HPA axis, exist and persist in adulthood.

Neuroinflammatory markers in the serum of prepubertal children with down syndrome

Down Syndrome (DS) is the most common chromosomal disorder. Although DS individuals are mostly perceived as characterized by some distinct physical features, cognitive disabilities, and cardiac defects, they also show important dysregulations of immune functions. While critical information is available for adults with DS, little literature is available on the neuroinflammation in prepubertal DS children.

Role of neurotrophins in pregnancy, delivery and postpartum

Neurotrophins (NTs) are a family of polypeptides whose functions have been extensively studied in the past two decades. In particular, Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) and Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) play a major role in the development, nutrition and growth of the central and peripheral nervous system and in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative, cardiometabolic and (auto)immune diseases. However, NGF and BDNF have subtle functions for follicular development, implantation, and placentation.

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