
Democratizing the economics debate. Research evaluation and pluralism in economics

More than a decade since the global financial crisis, economics does not exhibit signs of significant change. Mainstream economists act on an idealized image of science, which includes the convergence of all perspectives into a single supposed scientific truth. Democratizing the Economics Debate shows that this idealized image both provides an inadequate description of what science should be and misrepresents the recent past and current state of economics.

Should I stay or should I go? Using bibliometrics to identify the international mobility of highly educated Greek manpower

This paper explores the mobility of the highly educated young Greek scholars. This is made possible through a bibliometric analysis of the affiliation countries of scholars who have published in peer reviewed journals indexed in Scopus. Approximately half of the researchers are identified from publications covered in Scopus for the period 2000–2019. A general taxonomy model is followed for analysing scientific mobility using affiliation changes.

Testing Library Catalog Analysis as a bibliometric indicator for research evaluation in Social Sciences and Humanities

This paper offers the results of an examination of Library Catalog Analysis, a bibliometric approach in evaluating the scientific research in Social Sciences and Humanities founded on the count of presences of monographs in online library catalogues. The test was carried out in 2015-2016 on a large number of Italian and foreign libraries, and highlighted the not homogeneous distribution of monographs in libraries. The survey demonstrated that the count of the presence of books in library holdings could not be considered a reliable indicator in research assessment.

S for Scientometrics

Scientometrics is assuming a major role in the organisation of scientific research and in science policy in general. This paper aims at presenting its history from the point of view of its relationship with history and sociology of science, and with documentary disciplines, together with some initiatives to minimise the unintended consequences of its improper use

Validità e limiti della library catalog analysis per la valutazione della ricerca nelle scienze umane e sociali

Dopo una breve analisi delle potenzialità e dei limiti dell’analisi citazionale come strumento per la valutazione della ricerca scientifica in tutti i campi, e in modo specifico nel settore delle scienze umane e sociali, nel saggio viene esaminata la proposta avanzata da alcuni autori – Adrianus J. M. Linmans, Howard D. White e Daniel Torres-Salinas insieme a Henk F. Moed – di utilizzare il rilevamento del numero delle presenze delle monografie nelle raccolte bibliotecarie come indice di qualità scientifica dei lavori degli autori sottoposti a valutazione.

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