biomass conversion

Electro-fermentation and redox mediators enhance glucose conversion into butyric acid with mixed microbial cultures

Electro-fermentation (EF) is an emerging and promising technology consisting in the use of a polarized electrode to control the spectrum of products deriving from anaerobic bioprocesses. Here, the effect of electrode polarization on the fermentation of glucose has been studied with two mixed microbial cultures, both in the absence and in the presence of exogenous redox mediators, to verify the viability of the proposed approach under a broader and previously unexplored range of operating conditions. In unmediated experiments, EF (with the cathode polarized at −700 mV vs.

Electrochemically driven fermentation of organic substrates with undefined mixed microbial cultures

Growing scientific interest in mixed microbial culture-based anaerobic biotechnologies for the production of value-added chemicals and fuels from organic waste residues requires a parallel focus on the development and implementation of strategies to control the distribution of products. This study examined the feasibility of an electrofermentation approach, based on the introduction of a polarized (?700 mV vs.

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