
Benefits of Gaussian Convolution in Gait Recognition

The first and still popular approach to gait recognition applies computer vision techniques to appearance-based features of walking patterns. More recently, wearable sensors have become attractive. The accelerometer is the most used one, being embedded in widespread mobile devices. Related techniques do not suffer for problems like occlusion and point of view, but for intra-subject variations caused by walking speed, ground type, shoes, etc.

Walking on the cloud: gait recognition, a wearable solution

Biometrics and cloud computing are converging towards a common application context aiming at deploying biometric authentication as a remote service (Biometrics as a Service - BaaS). The advantages
for the final user is to be relieved from the burden related to acquire/ maintain specific software, and to gain the ability of building personalized applications where biometric services can be embedded through suitable cloud APIs. Gait is one of the promising biometric traits that can be investigated in this scenario. In particular, this paper deals with

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