
Management of patients with severe haemophilia a without inhibitors on prophylaxis with emicizumab: AICE recommendations with focus on emergency in collaboration with SIBioC, SIMEU, SIMEUP, SIPMeL and SISET

Introduction: The factor VIII (FVIII)-mimetic bispecific monoclonal antibody, emicizumab, previously approved for prophylaxis in haemophilia A with inhibitors, has been recently licensed in several countries also in patients with severe haemophilia A (PWSHA) without inhibitors.

Tooth extraction without discontinuation of oral antithrombotic treatment: a prospective study

To identify which variable, among those related to surgeries, to patients, or to antithrombotic treatments, could be considered as a bleeding indicator, and to analyze effectiveness of the local hemostatic protocols used, incidence of bleeding and healing index, depending on the number of extracted teeth, and patient antithrombotic treatment.

Variation in preoperative antithrombotic strategy, severe bleeding and use of blood products in coronary artery bypass grafting. Results from the multicenter E-CABG registry


No data exists on inter-institutional differences in terms of adherence to international guidelines regarding the discontinuation of antithrombotics and rates of severe bleeding in coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG).
Methods and Results:

Cameron lesions. A still overlooked diagnosis. Case report and systematic review of literature

Cameron lesions are erosive-ulcerative alterations of gastric mucosa occurring in patients with large hiatal hernia, potentially causing gastrointestinal bleeding and iron deficiency anaemia. Diagnosis may be challenging, and not infrequently erosions are overlooked at endoscopy, so that repeated and unnecessary diagnostic procedures are performed, particularly in those patients with chronic anaemia. We described two peculiar cases of patients with iron deficiency anaemia in whom Cameron lesions were either overlooked or misinterpreted.

Sporadic pedunculated duodenal adenomas. Clinical presentations and endoscopic management: a case series

The prevalence of sporadic duodenal polyps is estimated to be 0.3%-4.6% in patients referred for an upper endoscopy. Most of patients are asymptomatic (66-80%) at the time of diagnosis though bleeding, anemia and abdominal pain are the most commonly reported symptoms. These are related to the polyp's size, location and histological characteristics.

Urgency surgical treatment for duodenal GISTs. Analysis of aged patients and review of the literature

Gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GISTs) are the most common mesenchymal neoplasms (85%) of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract; duodenal GISTs constitute 3-5% of all GISTs and represent 10-30% of all malignant tumours of the duodenum. Rarely, patients present severe bowel obstruction, perforation or severe bleeding. The radical resection with complete removal of the tumour remains the main therapeutic approach. We performed a local resection in patients with suspected GIST admitted for emergency treatment for GI bleeding.

Sporadic pedunculated duodenal adenomas. Clinical presentations and endoscopic management. A case series

The prevalence of sporadic duodenal polyps is estimated to be 0.3%-4.6% in patients referred for an upper endoscopy. Most of patients are asymptomatic (66-80%) at the time of diagnosis though bleeding, anemia and abdominal pain are the most commonly reported symptoms. These are related to the polyp's size, location and histological characteristics.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma