Brain activity

EEG-Based Mental Workload Assessment During Real Driving

Car driving is considered a very complex activity, consisting of different main tasks and subtasks. For this reason, in particular situations the cognitive demand on the driver can be very high, and this large mental workload decreases performance and increases the probability of error commission. In this preliminary study a workload index based on electroencephalography (EEG), i.e., brain activity of eight drivers in real traffic conditions, is validated.

Correlation and similarity between cerebral and non-cerebral electrical activity for user’s states assessment

Human tissues own conductive properties, and the electrical activity produced by human organs can propagate throughout the body due to neuro transmitters and electrolytes. Therefore, it might be reasonable to hypothesize correlations and similarities between electrical activities among different parts of the body.

The dry revolution: Evaluation of three different eeg dry electrode types in terms of signal spectral features, mental states classification and usability

One century after the first recording of human electroencephalographic (EEG) signals, EEG has become one of the most used neuroimaging techniques. The medical devices industry is now able to produce small and reliable EEG systems, enabling a wide variety of applications also with no-clinical aims, providing a powerful tool to neuroscientific research. However, these systems still suffer from a critical limitation, consisting in the use of wet electrodes, that are uncomfortable and require expertise to install and time from the user.

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