Built Environment

Bes2ecure PRIN 2017

Bes2ecure PRIN 2017

Il Gruppo PRIN BE S2ECURe ROMA SAPIENZA è una unità del progetto di ricerca di interesse nazionale PRIN BE S2ECURe che mira a migliorare l’integrazione tra i processi di conoscenza, valutazione e progettazione dell’ambiente costruito storico in relazione ai rischi derivati da eventi di “emergenza” (SUOD), atti terroristici e terremoti, ed eventi “lenti” (SLOD), inquinamento atmosferico e ondate di calore.

Sono partner del Gruppo di ricerca nazionale i seguenti atenei:

Dimensión urbana y percepción en la ciudad maya Clásica de Palenque

In this article I address two interrelated topics: space construction and the perception of the built environment at
Palenque, Chiapas, during the Late Classic Period. Starting from the study of Palenque’s urban morphology and
by using Geographic Information System’s tools, I aim at underlying intentionality in specific buildings’ position
and to explore how people’s urbanity, that is their condition in the city and the experience of otherness, would
have transformed their perception of the environment. To this end, I will consider some characteristics of the

Enhancing the urban quality of life: A case study of a coastal city in the metropolitan area of Rome

The present paper concerns an environmentally sustainable neighborhood planning project, as part of the smart community, located in the municipality of Ladispoli, in the Metropolitan area of Rome, along the Tyrrhenian coast. The project was designed as a solution to two current issues, involving all the major urban areas of the Northern Hemisphere: the ageing population and the young New Immigrants Citizens integration; the purpose is, therefore, to create an intergenerational space of mutual support and exchange among the local residents.

Assessment of a urban sustainability and life quality index for elderly

The research here presented originates from some of the ongoing challenges of our society: the demographic changes and the high share of population living in urban areas. The aim of the research is the definition of an index of sustainability and quality of life for elderly at suburban scale, not only able to outline aspects related to the local territorial context but also to represent the neighbourhood level. This would provide significant added value to existing indicators that represent the quality of life for much larger areas as cities, regions and nations.

Gender Differences in the Association Between Neighbourhood walkability and health-status, A pilot study in Canberra/Australia

Self-reported and objectively-determined neighborhood built characteristics are associated with walking. This study investigated whether associations between the neighborhood built environment features and neighborhood walkability Index varied by sociodemographic and health-related characteristics. A random sample number of 385 adults (male=162, female=222) completed postal questionnaire capturing neighborhood walkability, socio-demographic characteristics, walking attitudes, and health-related characteristics (BMI).

Consumo di suolo e rischio idraulico nel X Municipio Di Roma

Tra le sfide che caratterizzano la decrescita sostenibile dei centri urbani, un importante contributo alla definizione degli scenari futuri è dato dalle incertezze legate ai cambiamenti climatici. Le possibili azioni da intraprendere richiedono un ampio grado di adattabilità per incrementare la resilienza, ristabilendo il rapporto bidirezionale tra l’inevitabile interazione “uomo<->modifiche<->ambiente”.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma