built heritage

Bes2ecure PRIN 2017

Bes2ecure PRIN 2017

Il Gruppo PRIN BE S2ECURe ROMA SAPIENZA è una unità del progetto di ricerca di interesse nazionale PRIN BE S2ECURe che mira a migliorare l’integrazione tra i processi di conoscenza, valutazione e progettazione dell’ambiente costruito storico in relazione ai rischi derivati da eventi di “emergenza” (SUOD), atti terroristici e terremoti, ed eventi “lenti” (SLOD), inquinamento atmosferico e ondate di calore.

Sono partner del Gruppo di ricerca nazionale i seguenti atenei:

BIM semantic-enrichment for built heritage representation

In the built heritage context, BIM has shown difficulties in representing and managing the large and complex knowledge related to non-geometrical aspects of the heritage. Within this scope, this paper focuses on a domain-specific semantic-enrichment of BIM methodology, aimed at fulfilling semantic representation requirements of built heritage through Semantic Web technologies. To develop this semantic-enriched BIM approach, this research relies on the integration of a BIM environment with a knowledge base created through information ontologies.

Molecular crystallization inhibitors for salt damage control in porous materials. An overview

The use of inhibition chemicals holds the prospect of an efficient strategy to control crystallization in porous materials, thereby potentially contributing to the prevention or mitigation of the salt decay phenomenon in modern as well as historical building materials in a more sustainable manner.

Urban resilience and disaster preventive planning. Manage the preparation to optimize the response in the historical towns

In the aftermath of a disaster, time is a precious resource, but extremely limited. The decision-makers and planners have to face, with the other responsible entities, the task of assisting the affected communities, recovering the local economies and protecting the natural and built environment, toward reducing the future risk. To address this issue, several governments have begun preparing for the recovery ahead. This approach is most commonly defined "Pre-Disaster Recovery Planning".

Resilienza urbana dei centri storici italiani. Strategie di pianificazione preventiva. Urban resilience in the historical centres of Italian cities and towns. Strategies of preventative planning

Le città storiche sono un valido esempio di resilienza in ambito sismico e i terremoti ne hanno influenzato profondamente l’evoluzione tipologica e costruttiva.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma