Campi Flegrei

Tra Vesuvio e Campi Flegrei, dal XIX secolo a oggi. Modellizzazione cartografica in ambiente GIS

Il volume raccoglie alcuni dei risultati raggiunti attraverso due progetti tra loro strettamente
connessi: il progetto GIS4RISKS. Synergic use of GIS applications for analysing volcanic and seismic risks
in the pre and post event e il progetto 3D and 4D Simulations for Landscape Reconstruction and Damage
Scenarios. GIS Pilot Applications. Incentrando l’attenzione sul territorio della provincia di Napoli,
quale eloquente area di studio per il rischio vulcanico, indotto da Vesuvio e Campi Flegrei, sono

A comprehensive exergy evaluation of a deep borehole heat exchanger coupled with a ORC plant. The case study of Campi Flegrei

The paper presents a comprehensive energy and exergy analysis of a possible geothermal power plant located in the geothermal district of Campi Flegrei (Italy), made of a coaxial WellBore Heat eXchanger coupled to an Organic Rankine Cycle. We have accounted for all system components: the ground source, the WellBore Heat eXchanger, the Organic Rankine Cycle cycle, and cooling system. The energy and exergy performance indexes of each subsystems and overall system have been evaluated, thus calculating the net power, the First-Law efficiency, the Second-Law efficiency, the irreversibilities.

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