Cannabis sativa


Sustainability for companies is no longer just a driver of customer choice, but
becomes an essential asset to build reputation and competitive advantage. Among
the industrial sectors most attentive to sustainability issues, the agro-food sector is
the main one. Despite this, the agri-food sector is one of the most impacting productive
sectors today. The need to reverse this route has led to an integrated approach
of different strategies: the optimization of current production systems, the reformulation

Filiera della canapa industriale (Cannabis sativa L.): sfide e nuove opportunità

La Cannabis Sativa è una pianta utilizzata in maniera sempre maggiore in diverse filiere del mercato: agro- alimentare, tessile, edile, cosmetico e della chimica verde, sostituendo prodotti "classici" con nuovi prodotti più performanti dal punto di vista ambientale e tecnologico. La "canapa industriale" ha un contenuto in tetraidriocannabinolo (THC) inferiore allo 0,2%, che ne permette la coltivazione e la commercializzazione in Europa (Reg. CE n.1673/2000 e Reg. CE n.73/2009).

A new software-assisted analytical workflow based on high-resolution mass spectrometry for the systematic study of phenolic compounds in complex matrices

Polyphenols are a broad class of plant secondary metabolites which carry out several biological functions for plant growth and protection and are of great interest as nutraceuticals for their antioxidant properties. However, due to their structural variability and complexity, the mass-spectrometric analysis of polyphenol content in plant matrices is still an issue. In this work, a novel approach for the identification of several classes of polyphenol derivatives based on ultra-high performance liquid chromatography coupled to high-resolution mass spectrometry was developed.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma