
Bayesian latent class models for capture–recapture in the presence of missing data

We propose a method for estimating the size of a population in a multiple record system in the presence of missing data. The method is based on a latent class model where the parameters and the latent structure are estimated using a Gibbs sampler. The proposed approach is illustrated through the analysis of a data set already known in the literature, which consists of five registrations of neural tube defects.

Use of hidden Markov capture-recapture models to estimate abundance in the presence of uncertainty: Application to the estimation of prevalence of hybrids in animal populations

Estimating the relative abundance (prevalence) of different population segments is a key step in addressing fundamental research questions in ecology, evolution, and conservation. The raw percentage of individuals in the sample (naive prevalence) is generally used for this purpose, but it is likely to be subject to two main sources of bias. First, the detectability of individuals is ignored; second, classification errors may occur due to some inherent limits of the diagnostic methods.

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