
Dental cone beam computed tomography in children: clinical effectiveness and cancer risk due to radiation exposure

Firstly used in the early 90s to generate 3-dimensional projections of X-ray images, cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) has resulted in a large application in dentomaxillofacial imaging, even in children. CBCT uses ionizing radiation that may cause damage to the DNA, and children are at the greatest carcinogenesis risk due to their higher tissue radiosensitivity and their longer life expectancy compared to adults.

Protein oxidative damage in UV-related skin cancer and dysplastic lesions contributes to neoplastic promotion and progression

The ultraviolet (UV) component of solar radiation is the major driving force of skin carcinogenesis. Most of studies on UV carcinogenesis actually focus on DNA damage while their proteome-damaging ability and its contribution to skin carcinogenesis have remained largely underexplored.

Pharmacological applications of Nrf2 inhibitors as potential antineoplastic drugs

Oxidative stress (OS) is associated with many diseases ranging from cancer to neurodegenerative disorders. Nuclear factor-erythroid 2 p45-related factor 2 (Nrf2) is one of the most effective cytoprotective controller against OS. Modulation of Nrf2 pathway constitutes a remarkable strategy in the antineoplastic treatments. A big number of Nrf2-antioxidant response element activators have been screened for use as chemo-preventive drugs in OS associated diseases like cancer even though activation of Nrf2 happens in a variety of cancers.

ICNIRP note: Critical evaluation of two radiofrequency electromagnetic field animal carcinogenicity studies published in 2018

Final results are now available from two large animalstudies that investigated whether long-term exposure to radiofre-quency (RF) electromagnetic fields (EMFs) associated with mobile(or cell) phones or base stations is carcinogenic; these studies halefrom the US National Toxicology Program (NTP) and the RamazziniInstitute in Italy, respectively. In both cases, the authors concludedthat they had demonstrated that RF EMFs are carcinogenic in malerats but not in female rats or mice (NTP only).

Modeling medulloblastoma in vivo and with human cerebellar organoids

Medulloblastoma (MB) is the most common malignant brain tumor in children and among the subtypes, Group 3 MB has the worst outcome. Here, we perform an in vivo, patient-specific screen leading to the identification of Otx2 and c-MYC as strong Group 3 MB inducers. We validated our findings in human cerebellar organoids where Otx2/c-MYC give rise to MB-like organoids harboring a DNA methylation signature that clusters with human Group 3 tumors.

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