cardiac fibrosis

Patologia e Riparazione Cardiovascolare

Patologia e Riparazione Cardiovascolare

La nostra attività di ricerca è focalizzata sui meccanismi di riparazione cardiovascolare e sullo stroma cardiaco. In particolare studiamo le cellule stromali cardiache residenti nell'uomo e in modelli animali, e come il microambiente e/o le condizioni patologiche possono influenzare il loro fenotipo.

The microenvironment of decellularized extracellular matrix from heart failure myocardium alters the balance between angiogenic and fibrotic signals from stromal primitive cells

Cardiac adverse remodeling is characterized by biological changes that aect the composition and architecture of the extracellular matrix (ECM). The consequently disrupted signaling can interfere with the balance between cardiogenic and pro-fibrotic phenotype of resident cardiac stromal primitive cells (CPCs). The latter are important players in cardiac homeostasis and can be exploited as therapeutic cells in regenerative medicine. Our aim was to compare the eects of human decellularized native ECM from normal (dECM-NH) or failing hearts (dECM-PH) on human CPCs.

Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptors: do they have a therapeutic potential in cardiac fibrosis?

Sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) is a bioactive lipid that is characterized by a peculiar mechanism of action. In fact, S1P, which is produced inside the cell, can act as
an intracellular mediator, whereas after its export outside the cell, it can act as ligand of specific G-protein coupled receptors, which were initially named endothelial

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