
Overlap in substrate utilisation and spatial exclusion in some microfungi which act as early cellulose colonisers in a Mediterranean environment

A trapping system was set up to isolate culturable cellulolytic fungi at the soil-leaf litter interface in an area of Mediterranean maquis located in southern Italy. Seven cellulolytic taxa were isolated and cultured to represent the pioneers in the primordial phase of cellulose colonisation. The functional diversity of fungal isolates was analysed using a phenotype microarray technique to generate a profile of their functional traits. The extent of the overlap in substrate utilisation by the various species was subsequently determined.

Manufacturing & characterization of regenerated cellulose/curcumin based sustainable composites fibers spun from environmentally benign solvents

We report a novel manufacturing method for bio renewable regenerated cellulose fibres modified with curcumin, a molecule is known for its medicinal properties. Ionic liquid namely 1-Ethyl 3-Methyl Imidazolium diethyl phosphate (emim DEP) was found to be capable of dissolving cellulose as well as curcumin. Regenerated cellulose/curcumin composites fibres with curcumin concentration ranging from 1 to 10 wt% were manufactured using dry jet wet fibres spinning process using three different winding speeds.

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