
La ceramica di Cencelle nel medioevo. Alcune riflessioni di metodo per una questione ancora aperta

On the basis of recent archaeological evidence unearthed in the course of systematic excavations by the Cencelle (Tarquinia, Viterbo), Northen Latium, this paper attempts to pull together different strings of ceramic data in order to bridge the era between Early Middle Ages and Modern Ages (mid night century to seventeenth century AD). An attempt has been made to examine rigorously the stratigraphy and its contents to the known ceramic in context. Some different pottery types are presented, both kitchenwares and tablewares.

Quantitative multi-scale characterization of single basalt fibres. Insights into strength loss mechanisms after thermal conditioning

This article presents an experimental investigation to quantify the effects of high temperature exposure (400–600 °C) on the mechanical properties of single basalt fibres. To this purpose, a combination of single edge notch tension and nanoindentation micro-pillar splitting methods was used to provide an assessment of the fracture toughness of as-received and thermally treated basalt fibres. Similar values were obtained by the two different methods, and interestingly both highlighted an increase in KIc after heat treatment, up to 22% after exposure at 600 °C for 1h (1.59±0.06MPam).

Discrimination and provenances of Phoenician red slip ware using both the solid state electrochemistry and petrographic analyses

Solid state electrochemistry based on the voltammetry of immobilized microparticles (VIMP) methodology is applied to a series of 80 Phoenician Red Slip samples from the archaeological sites of Motya (Sicily, Italy), Mogador (Morocco), Ramat-Rahel (Israel), Sulky (Sardinia, Italy), Tas Silg (Malta), Pantelleria (Italy), and Cádiz (Spain), dated from the 8th to the 6th century BC.

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