
Tra forme e attività. Un’analisi critica della cultura politica e amministrativa della riforma del Terzo settore

This article discusses the policy design of the Italian Third Sector reform, and aims at identifying the cultural patterns that shaped its contents. To this end, the implementing decrees of Law no. 106/2016, and especially the Third Sector Code, are taken into consideration. In the article, five issues are analyzed and critically assessed: the legal forms of Third Sector organizations; their social value; the criteria and rules defining the relationship with public institutions; Third Sector organizations representation and representativeness; and their constitutional status.

Locating European citizenship

This paper is not devoted to European citizenship, but rather to the ways we study it. The paper is based on a sample of recent literature on EU citizenship and is developed as follows. Firstly, seven divergent thematizations (the ways EU citizenship is identified and framed) are introduced and analyzed with regard to the problems they show. Then five conceptualizations are presented that come from the same sources, and that should be considered to overcome criticalities. There follows the introduction of a conceptual framework regarding democratic citizenship as an empirical phenomenon.

Brevi considerazioni storico-comparative su cittadinanza, ius sanguinis e ius soli nella vicenda italiana

The essay begins with a reconstruction of the different cultural approaches to the constitutional notion
of citizenship which lie behind the notions of ius sanguinis and ius soli; legislative developments
on these matters are analysed considering the various sources of law and the areas (such as gender,
race, class, religious beliefs…) historically influenced by citizenship as a factor of inclusion/exclusion.
The following part includes a historical overview of Italian legislative measures concerning citizenship.

Promoting communication, cultural diversity and solidarity inside organizations. The educational European project Codes

This essay intends to bring to the attention of the scientific community the outcome of an international project for the promotion of diversity and inclusive- ness inside European societies and organizations. In this first section we will introduce the case study and the reasons why we consider it so relevant; on the following pages we will explain the goals, the method and the first evidence of our inquiry. Codes is the acronym for ‘Communication, Diversity, Solidarity’.

Immigrant integration. Sociological theory and core indicators

Today immigration is one of the main topics of public debate not only at national level. A effective management and the development of adequate social policies also pass from the assessment of the integration processes, but integration is a complex, dynamic, time-varying concept in space, linked to historical-political circumstances and to the characteristics assumed by the phenomenon migratory.

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