Cloud computing

Research challenges in legal-rule and QoS-aware cloud service brokerage

The ICT industry and specifically critical sectors, such as healthcare, transportation, energy and government, require as mandatory the compliance of ICT systems and services with legislation and regulation, as well as with standards. In the era of cloud computing, this compliance management issue is exacerbated by the distributed nature of the system and by the limited control that customers have on the services.

Know your enemy: Stealth configuration-information gathering in SDN

Software Defined Networking (SDN) is a widely-adopted network architecture that provides high flexibility through the separation of the network logic from the forwarding functions. Researchers thoroughly analyzed SDN vulnerabilities and improved its security. However, we believe important security aspects of SDN are still left uninvestigated. In this paper, we raise the concern of the possibility for an attacker to obtain detailed knowledge about an SDN network.

Autonomic orchestration of containers: Problem definition and research challenges

Today, a new technology is going to change the way cloud platforms are designed and managed. This technology is called container. A container is a software environment where to install an application or application component and all the library dependencies, the binaries, and a basic configuration needed to run the application. The container technology promises to solve many cloud application issues, for example the application portability problem and the virtual machine performance overhead problem.

Energy-aware auto-scaling algorithms for Cassandra virtual data centers

Apache Cassandra is an highly scalable and available NoSql datastore, largely used by enterprises of each size and for application areas that range from entertainment to big data analytics. Managed Cassandra service providers are emerging to hide the complexity of the installation, fine tuning and operation of Cassandra virtual data centers (VDCs). This paper address the problem of energy efficient auto-scaling of Cassandra VDC in managed Cassandra data centers. We propose three energy-aware autoscaling algorithms: Opt, LocalOpt and LocalOpt-H.

A power-of-two choices based algorithm for fog computing

The fog computing paradigm brings together storage, com-munication, and computation resources closer to users’ end-devices.Therefore, fog servers are deployed at the edge of the network, offeringlow latency access to users. With the expansion of such fog computingservices, different providers will be able to deploy multiple resourceswithin a restricted geographical proximity.In this paper, we investigate an incentive-based cooperation schemeacross fog providers.

Dal documento al modello. Approcci innovativi per la gestione digitale della manutenzione // From sheets to models. Innovative approaches for the facility and maintenance management

The di.FM (Digital for Facility Management) protocol is an innovative approach for maintenance management, through the creation of a digital twin interconnected to the existing building. The goal is to create a BIM model that is constantly updated on the
state of the building, therefore capable of collecting related information and monitoring the state of use of the elements and components present.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma