CO2 emissions

Performance Indicators of Electricity Generation at Country Level—The Case of Italy

Power Grids face significant variability in their operation, especially where there are high proportions of non-programmable renewable energy sources constituting the electricity mix. An accurate and up-to-date knowledge of operational data is essential to guaranteeing the optimal management of the network, and this aspect will be even more crucial for the full deployment of Smart Grids.

Analyzing CO2 emissions flows in the world economy using Global Emission Chains and Global Emission Trees

Because of the increasing international trade, monitoring tools are required that quantify and analyze CO2 emissions at a global level. This paper contributes to this literature by adopting a consumer-oriented approach and using two tools based on Multi-Regional Input-Output tables, i.e., the Global Emissions Chains (GECs) and the Global Emissions Trees (GETs). The GEC is proposed with an industry-level perspective so as to provide detailed information about the extent to which the final demand of an industry of a country drives indirect CO2 emissions by any industry of any other country.

Decrease of the maximum speed in highway tunnels as a measure to foster energy savings and sustainability

The high energy consumption of the lighting installations in highway tunnels has become a hot topic in the last few years due to the high figures in terms of money, consumed energy, use of raw materials, emissions of greenhouse gases due to the remarkable number of manufactured elements, and maintenance, among others. In spite of the different strategies proposed up to date and their savings, the potential benefits of decreasing the maximum speed allowed in tunnels have not been considered in depth as a complementary measure yet.

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