CO2 heat pump

Dynamic simulation model of trans-critical carbon dioxide heat pump application for boosting low temperature distribution networks in dwellings

This research investigates the role of new hybrid energy system applications for developing a new plant refurbishment strategy to deploy small scale smart energy systems. This work deals with a dynamic simulation of trans-critical carbon dioxide heat pump application for boosting low temperature distribution networks to share heat for dwellings. Heat pumps provide high temperature heat to use the traditional emission systems.

Innovative Hybrid CHP systems for high temperature heating plant in existing buildings

This paper deals with the potential role of new hybrid CHP systems application providing both electricity and heat which are compatible with the building architectural and landscape limitations. In detail, three different plant layout options for high temperature heat production along with the electricity generation were investigated and compared each other. To do so, conventional natural gas CHPs and back up boiler, two-stage Electric Heat Pumps (EHPs) and trans-critical CO2 electric heat pump (CO2-HP) have been considered as reference technologies to build hybrid systems.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma