CO2 removal

DRACONS (DecaRbonisAtion and CO2 NanoSequestration)

DRACONS (DecaRbonisAtion and CO2 NanoSequestration)

DRACONS research group aims at developing sustainable industrial cycles and innovative CO2 capture processes (see also

Two-side cathode microbial electrolysis cell for nutrients recovery and biogas upgrading

Here a three-chamber microbial electrolysis cell (MEC) has been developed to couple the CO 2 removal from a gas mixture to the ammonium nitrogen recovery. The here proposed MEC adopted an innovative two-side cathode configuration, where two identic cathodic chambers are connected in parallel by a titanium wire and separated from an intermediate anodic compartment by an anion and a cation exchange membrane (AEM and CEM).

Three-chamber bioelectrochemical system for biogas upgrading and nutrient recovery

Here, an innovative three-chamber bioelectrochemical system configuration is proposed to combine COD, CO2 and NH4+ removal into a single device. In the proposed process, while COD oxidation and CO2 reduction occurred, respectively, in the anodic and cathodic chamber, the consequent current generation promoted the migration of target ionic species towards an intermediate accumulation chamber, across cation and anion exchange membranes, respectively.

Bioelectromethanogenesis reaction in a tubular Microbial Electrolysis Cell (MEC) for biogas upgrading

The utilization of a pilot scale tubular Microbial Electrolysis Cell (MEC), has been tested as an innovative biogas upgrading technology. The bioelectromethanogenesis reaction permits the reduction of the CO2 into CH4 by using a biocathode as electrons donor, while the electroactive oxidation of organic matter in the bioanode partially sustains the energy demand of the process. The MEC has been tested with a synthetic wastewater and biogas by using two different polarization strategies, i.e.

Biogas upgrading through CO2 removal by chemical absorption in an amine organic solution. Physical and technical assessment, simulation and experimental validation

An experimental and modelling study of CO2 removal from a simulated biogas feed by chemical absorption in an organic solution of 2-amine-2-methyl-1-propanol in an ethylene glycol and n-propanol solvent is presented. Absorption was carried out under different temperature, feed flow rate, and feed recirculation conditions. Regeneration was carried at different temperatures. Cyclability tests showed that the absorption capacity remained stable starting from the fourth cycle. In the conditions analyzed, higher temperatures and liquid recirculation favor absorption.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma