
Measurement of the flow harmonic correlations in pp, p plus Pb and low multiplicity Pb plus Pb collisions with the ATLAS detector at the LHC

Recent measurements of the correlations between flow harmonics obtained using four-particle symmetric cumulants and three-particle asymmetric cumulants with the ATLAS detector at the LHC are described. The data sets of pp, p+Pb and peripheral Pb+Pb collisions at various energies are analyzed, aiming to probe the long-range collective nature of multi-particle production in small systems. The sensitivity of the standard cumulant method to non-flow correlations is investigated by introducing the subevents method.

Highlights from the ATLAS experiment

This report provides an overview of the new results obtained by the ATLAS Collaboration at the LHC, which were presented at the Quark Matter 2018 conference. These measurements were covered in 12 parallel talks, one flash talk and 11 posters. In this document, a discussion of results is grouped into four areas: electromagnetic interactions, jet quenching, quarkonia and heavy-flavour production, and collectivity in small and larger systems. Measurements from the xenon-xenon collisions based on a short run collected in October 2017 are reported for the first time.

Measurement of the azimuthal anisotropy of charged particles in 5.02 TeV Pb+Pb and 5.44 TeV Xe+Xe collisions with ATLAS

The data collected by the ATLAS experiment during the 2015 Pb+Pb and 2017 Xe+Xe LHC runs offer new opportunities to study charged particle azimuthal anisotropy. The high-statistics Pb+Pb sample allows for a detailed study of the azimuthal anisotropy of produced particles. This should improve the understanding of initial conditions of nuclear collisions, hydrodynamical behavior of quark-gluon plasma and parton energy loss.

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