
The evil eye. Eye gaze and competitiveness in social decision making

We demonstrate that a person's eye gaze and his/her competitiveness are closely intertwined in social decision making. In an exploratory examination of this relationship, Study 1 uses field data from a high-stakes TV game show to demonstrate that the frequency by which contestants gaze at their opponent's eyes predicts their defection in a variant on the prisoner's dilemma. Studies 2 and 3 use experiments to examine the underlying causality and demonstrate that the relationship between gazing and competitive behavior is bi-directional.

Una competizione inevitabile? Le relazioni Stati Uniti-Russia (2009-2018)

Secondo la National Security Strategy 2017 la Russia rappresenta – insieme alla Repubblica Popolare Cinese – il principale sfidante dell’ordine internazionale a guida americana. Considerando il mantenimento dello status quo come il principale obiettivo di Washington dopo la fine della Guerra fredda, l’articolo si interroga sull’approccio americano al “problema” russo negli anni 2009-2018. Sia l’Amministrazione Obama che quella Trump, d’altronde, si sono confrontate con una sfida crescente alla leadership globale americana.

Inhibitory theta burst stimulation highlights the role of left aIPS and right TPJ during complementary and imitative human-avatar interactions in cooperative and competitive scenarios

Competitive and cooperative interactions are based on anticipation or synchronization with the partner's actions. Both forms of interaction may either require performing imitative or complementary movements with respect to those performed by our partner. We explored how parietal regions involved in the control of imitative behavior (temporo-parietal junction, TPJ), goal coding and visuo-motor integration (anterior intraparietal sulcus, aIPS) contribute to the execution of imitative and complementary movements during cooperative and competitive interactions.

Pre-commercial procurement and the marketing of innovation: a new innovation policy instrument or ‘old wine in new bottles’?

We analyse the peculiarities of pre-commercial procurement (PCP) within the EU innovation policy kit, interpreting it as a risk-shifting mechanism. While most studies assume the point of view of the public procurer, we take the suppliers’ one, with a focus on SMEs.

Market competition and parental background wage premium. The role of human and relational capital

The literature on intergenerational inequality has not inquired so far the role that market competition can play in the intergenerational transmission process. In this article we assess this role from both an empirical and a theoretical perspective. From the empirical side, using a panel dataset on Italian workers, we find that the parental background wage premium significantly decreases when sector competition increases.

Competition, firm size and returns to skills. Evidence from currency shocks and market liberalizations

We investigate the impact of product market competition on returns to skills in Italy using a longitudinal dataset on individual working histories. This impact is identified using three exogenous shocks affecting competition: the unforeseen devaluation of the Lira in 1992, its return to a fixed exchange regime in 1996 and the market liberalisation in the utility and transport sectors in the late 1990s-early 2000s. We analyse how firm heterogeneity and shocks of different types and signs affect the impact of competition on skill premia.

Plant interactions shape pollination networks via nonadditive effects

Plants grow in communities where they interact with other plants and with other living organisms such as pollinators. On the one hand, studies of plant-plant interactions rarely consider how plants interact with other trophic levels such as pollinators. On the other, studies of plant-animal interactions rarely deal with interactions within trophic levels such as plant-plant competition and facilitation. Thus, to what degree plant interactions affect biodiversity and ecological networks across trophic levels is poorly understood.

Regeneration of Corviale: Competition Project, Rome, in New Prospectives in Social Housing

Corviale is a huge building, over one kilometer long located in a
peripheral part of Rome. Out of scale dimensions, several errors made
during the design stage as well as poor post-construction management
has made this building a living icon of the failure of social housing
strategies of the 1970s in Italy. The project we submitted in 2015, at
the competition for the regeneration of the building, was awarded the
fourth prize and special mention. Our regeneration hypothesis for this

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