computational modeling

Feedforwarding under sampling

The paper deals with stabilization of feedforwardmultiple cascade dynamics under sampling. It is shown that u-average passivity concepts and Lyapunov methods can be profitably exploited to provide a systematic sampled-data design procedure. The proposed methodology recalls the continuous-time feedforwarding steps and can be applied under the same assumptions as those set over the continuous-time cascade dynamics. The final sampled feedback is carried out through a three steps procedure that involves iterative passivation and stabilization in the u-average sense.

Auxin minimum triggers the developmental switch from cell division to cell differentiation in the Arabidopsis root

In multicellular organisms, a stringent control of the transitionbetween cell division and differentiation is crucial for correcttissue and organ development. In theArabidopsisroot, the bound-ary between dividing and differentiating cells is positioned by theantagonistic interaction of the hormones auxin and cytokinin. Cy-tokinin affects polar auxin transport, but how this impacts thepositional information required to establish this tissue boundary,is still unknown.

A power-of-two choices based algorithm for fog computing

The fog computing paradigm brings together storage, com-munication, and computation resources closer to users’ end-devices.Therefore, fog servers are deployed at the edge of the network, offeringlow latency access to users. With the expansion of such fog computingservices, different providers will be able to deploy multiple resourceswithin a restricted geographical proximity.In this paper, we investigate an incentive-based cooperation schemeacross fog providers.

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