
On the estimation of the Lorenz curve under complex sampling designs

This paper focuses on the estimation of the concentration curve of a finite population, when data are collected according to a complex sampling design with different inclusion probabilities. A (design-based) Hájek type estimator for the Lorenz curve is proposed, and its asymptotic properties are studied. Then, a resampling scheme able to approximate the asymptotic law of the Lorenz curve estimator is constructed.

Concentration and homogenization in electrical conduction in heterogeneous media involving the Laplace-Beltrami operator

We study a concentration and homogenization problem modelling electrical conduction in a composite material. The novelty of the problem is due to the specific scaling of the physical quantities characterizing the dielectric component of the composite. This leads to the appearance of a peculiar displacement current governed by a Laplace-Beltrami pseudo-parabolic equation. This pseudo-parabolic character is present also in the homogenized equation, which is obtained by the unfolding technique.

Existence, uniqueness and concentration for a system of PDEs involving the Laplace-Beltrami operator

In this paper we derive a model for heat diffusion in a composite medium in which the different components are separated by thermally active interfaces. The previous result is obtained via a concentrated capacity procedure and leads to a non-stantard system of PDEs involving a Laplace-Beltrami operator acting on the interface. For such a system well-posedness is proved using contraction mapping and abstract parabolic problems theory. Finally, the exponential convergence (in time) of the solutions of our system to a steady state is proved.

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