Concurrent Engineering

Design and realization of an additive manufactured multifunctional spacecraft structure through a systems and concurrent engineering approach

The use of AM technologies within the space systems of the present but especially of the near future is increasingly pervasive as it is considered a key enabling technology for both commercial and exploration missions, bringing humans on Moon and on Mars. To reach these goals present and future designers must adopt a new Additive-thinking, where Design for Additive Manufacturing (DFAM) must be adopted within a rigorous systemic and systematic approach from the very early design phases.

A preliminary design of a mission to Triton: a concurrent engineering approach

The early stages of a space mission design are crucial for the development of the whole project because they strongly influence the ensuing design phases. Moreover, feasibility assessment at early stages brings to time and cost reductions and strongly determines the overall performances of proposed solutions. Concurrent Engineering (CE) is a systemic and systematic design strategy that employs real-time interdisciplinary activities for products development.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma