
Applying Participatory Processes to Address Conflicts Over the Conservation of Large Carnivores: Understanding Conditions for Successful Management

Social conflicts over large carnivores are becoming more frequent following the general recovery of large carnivores in human shaped landscapes in Europe. To manage conflicts over large carnivores a detailed knowledge is necessary on the social,
economic, cultural but also interpersonal dimensions of the conflicts. This can be achieved through a participatory engagement of all stakeholders within a procedure tailored to local contexts. We looked at conditions necessary for implementing the

Comparative application of methods for the combined lines-nodes capacity assessment

Nowadays, a considerable percentage of trains mature delays due to nodes and stations congestion.
They are normally a combination of effects of routes conflicts in stations on lines and propagation in
stations of delays suffered along the lines. It is a consequence of the variable values of capacity within
the railway system caused by a combination of parameters, more relevant when short line sections
separate nearby stations. Goal of the research is to compare some literature methods for the assessment

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