conservative surgery

Biological Impact of Unilateral Oophorectomy. Does the Number of Ovaries Really Matter? [Biologische auswirkungen der einseitigen ovarektomie: Kommt es wirklich auf die anzahl der eierstöcke an?]

Although unilateral oophorectomies are performed more often than bilateral ones in women of reproductive age, their clinical consequences have been less intensively investigated. Experimental models in animals have shown that compensa- tory mechanisms occur after a unilateral oophorectomy (UO). This review aims to summarize the available evidence on the biological effects of unilateral oophorectomy on wom- en.

Oncoplastic conservative surgery for breast cancer: long-term outcomes of our first ten years experience

The main goal of oncoplastic breast surgery (OBS) is to optimize cosmetic outcomes and reduce patient morbidity, while still providing an oncologically-safe surgical outcome and extending the target population of conservative surgery. Although the growing number of reported experiences with oncoplastic surgery, few studies account for the long-term outcomes.

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