construction industry

Business model innovation for the energy management of building networks in smart cities

In recent years, buildings have been equipped with building and automation control systems (BACS) that provide a reliable active energy efficiency measure for reducing energy consumption. These advanced systems allow to use and regulate technological implants in the best possible way in response to change in the external environmental conditions, ensuring at the same time the highest comfort for the building’s occupants.

BIM tools interoperability for designing energy-efficient buildings

The constructive complexity of the building envelope, together with the high degree of performance required in new dwellings, entails the application of computer-based modelling tools over the design processes. Furthermore, to achieve the NZEB (net zero energy building) qualification, the use of BPS (building performance simulation) tools during the early design stage becomes indispensable.

Hazard function deployment: a QFD-based tool for the assessment of working tasks–a practical study in the construction industry

Despite the efforts made, the number of accidents has not significantly decreased in the construction industry. The main reasons can be found in the peculiarities of working activities in this sector, where hazard analysis and safety management are more difficult than in other industries. To deal with these problems, a comprehensive approach for hazard analysis is needed, focusing on the activities in which a working task is articulated since they are characterized by different types of hazards and thus risk levels.

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