
Understanding Fashion Consumption in the Networked Society: A Multidisciplinary Approach

Fashion consumption is changing rapidly due to the digital transformation of our society that affects both the market and with-it brands’ behaviors, and most importantly consumers’ practices: users/audience/ consumers are involved at different levels, as knowledge and content producers and as seekers thereof. Customers move seamlessly among different devices, contents and media channels. While searching for information, purchasing products and sharing band related experiences and in so doing creating content, they also entertain themselves.

Fashion Branding and Consumer Experience

This chapter intends to analyse the processes of both branding and consumption. Not just the brand or just the consumer, but the complex interactions between all the practices and strategies made by both of them to build experiences that are valuable for both the brand and the consumer. A new approach requires a new perspective on brands and consumption practices within the contemporary fashion system that integrates brands, consumers and media organisations.

Smart People and prosumers. The individual challenge to the Fourth Industrial Revolution

In contemporary society, intelligence has become an essential qualifying element not only for the individual as such but also for the community to which he belongs, for te way in which he administers his personal or collective assets, because of the way he lives and of the technologies he uses. Being smart has become a cross-cutting need for multiple fields of human life. But what does being a smart person mean? Can he also be a prosumer? And Finally, when do individuals cease being consumers to become prosumers?

Income‑based and consumption‑based measurement of absolute poverty. Insights from Italy

Despite the debate about the introduction of an official absolute poverty line is growing in the EU, at the moment Italy is the only EU country providing an official measure of absolute poverty. Absolute poverty is estimated in Italy with reference to household consumption using the Household Budget Survey (HBS), but it can be estimated also relying on incomes. Focusing on the Italian experience, this article contributes to the literature and to the national and European policy debate about poverty measurement in three ways.

Immaginare il «capitale delle relazioni». Comunicazione e identità visiva nei Gruppi d’acquisto solidale

Contemporary social movements focused on environmental and social sustainability, present an emerging need to combine, at least at a symbolic level, the changes in policies with profound transformations in everyday life and, therefore, a need to combine these lifestyle changes with corresponding imagery. The article presents a research on communication (websites, social media and visual identity) of 76 GAS, Solidarity Purchase Groups, active in Italy; among the numerous practices of political consumerism this requires more stable forms of engagement.

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