contemporary art

Street art graffiti. Discovering their composition and alteration by FTIR and micro-Raman spectroscopy

Paints used in street art are modern materials subjected to degradation processes, which are very complex and difficult to predict without taking into account of several factors. This study investigates three outdoor murals in Lazio, – namely “graffiti”, a word now used to indicate a spontaneous street art tendency consisting in images and writings realized by spray paints in public spaces to provoke passersby -with the aim to discover materials application techniques and chemical composition and figure out whether alteration phenomena occurred.

Lucio Fontana and the light. Spectroscopic analysis of the artist's collection at the National Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art

In this work the results deriving from the characterization of materials used by Lucio Fontana to realize some of his artworks are presented. Specifically, object of analyses are three artworks from the collection of National Gal- lery of Modern and Contemporary Art in Rome, whose complex composition required the combination of differ- ent diagnostic techniques for a complete characterization.

Il futuro dell’arte. Hans Belting e Peter Osborne

Parlare di “continuità” o di “discontinuità” tra arte moderna e arte contemporanea sembra oggi uno dei modi di interrogarsi sul futuro o sulla fine dell’arte. È possibile un’arte senza storia? Quale sarebbe il suo orizzonte? A partire da questi interrogativi il volume analizza la prospettiva di Hans Belting e di Peter Osborne, per provare a ripensare lo statuto dell’arte contemporanea

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