Control systems

A Novel Stealthy Attack to Gather SDN Configuration-Information

Software Defined Networking (SDN) is a recent network architecture based on the separation of forwarding functions from network logic, and provides high flexibility in the management of the network. In this paper, we show how an attacker can exploit SDN programmability to obtain detailed knowledge about the network behaviour. In particular, we introduce a novel attack, named Know Your Enemy (KYE), which allows an attacker to gather vital information about the configuration of the network.

Mitigation and recovery from cascading failures in interdependent networks under uncertainty

The interdependency of multiple networks makes today's infrastructures more vulnerable to failures. Prior works mainly focused on robust network design and recovery strategies after failures, given complete knowledge of failure location. Nevertheless, in real-world scenarios, the location of failures might be unknown or only partially known. In this work, we focus on cascading failures involving the power grid and its communication network with imprecision in failure assessment.

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