cool roofs

Climate Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Roofs and Pavements. A Case Study at Sapienza University Campus

The progressively emerging concept of urban resilience to climate change highlights the
importance of mitigation and adaptation measures, and the need to integrate urban climatology
in the design process, in order to better understand the multiple effects of combined green and
cool technologies for the transition to climate responsive and thermally comfortable urban open
spaces. This study focuses the attention on selected mitigation and adaptation technologies; two

Computing methods for resilience: Evaluating new building components in the frame of SECAPs

Resilience represents a new important feature that the anthropic systems, and cities among them, are called to cope with. In fact, the increasing negative stresses to which urban contexts are exposed, and mainly the climatic pressures, call for the capability of adapting to these modifications and, possibly, to restore the ex-ante situations. The role of the buildings and their envelope components is of crucial importance to this aim. This paper analyses the features of resilience of the roofs of buildings by means of proper quantitative indexes.

Relating microclimate, human thermal comfort and health during heat waves: An analysis of heat island mitigation strategies through a case study in an urban outdoor environment

Over the past years the concern of the international scientific community towards the study of the Urban Heat Island (UHI) phenomenon has been growing. Such issue is particularly important in cities as Rome, where it is possible to experience intense heat stress conditions especially when heat waves intensify this phenomenon. Therefore this study wants to examine different mitigation strategies of the urban microclimate by taking into consideration the campus of the Sapienza University of Rome.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma