
A protocol for cooperation to establish an International Gastric Cancer Unit (IGCU)

The following text shows the terms of a protocol for cooperation recently signed between The Department of Digestive Surgery - St. Mary’s Hospital (Terni, Italy; hereinafter “SMH”), the Department of Surgical Sciences - “La Sapienza” University (Rome, Italy; hereinafter “SUR”) and the Department of Gastric Surgery - Fujian Medical University Union Hospital (Fuzhou, Fujian Province, PRC; hereinafter “FMU”).

Una competizione inevitabile? Le relazioni Stati Uniti-Russia (2009-2018)

Secondo la National Security Strategy 2017 la Russia rappresenta – insieme alla Repubblica Popolare Cinese – il principale sfidante dell’ordine internazionale a guida americana. Considerando il mantenimento dello status quo come il principale obiettivo di Washington dopo la fine della Guerra fredda, l’articolo si interroga sull’approccio americano al “problema” russo negli anni 2009-2018. Sia l’Amministrazione Obama che quella Trump, d’altronde, si sono confrontate con una sfida crescente alla leadership globale americana.

Inhibitory theta burst stimulation highlights the role of left aIPS and right TPJ during complementary and imitative human-avatar interactions in cooperative and competitive scenarios

Competitive and cooperative interactions are based on anticipation or synchronization with the partner's actions. Both forms of interaction may either require performing imitative or complementary movements with respect to those performed by our partner. We explored how parietal regions involved in the control of imitative behavior (temporo-parietal junction, TPJ), goal coding and visuo-motor integration (anterior intraparietal sulcus, aIPS) contribute to the execution of imitative and complementary movements during cooperative and competitive interactions.

Da Gerico a Betlemme. La missione della Sapienza a Gerico e l’archeologia italiana in Palestina (1997-2017) con il contributo del Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale

When after the Oslo and Madrid agreements the Palestinian National Authority was established it was also provided of a Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities – Dept. of Archaeology and Cultural Heritage (MOTA-DACH). At that time, Sapienza University of Rome was chosen as ideal partner to start a new deal in the archaeology of Palestine.

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