
Dio, uomo e mondo: Hermann Cohen e Karl Löwith

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship that Karl Löwith had with Herman Cohen’s thought, examining its development from a historical and theoretical point of view. This confrontation proves fruitful both for a reconstruction of Löwithian philosophy and to gain – through the eyes of one of its interpreters – new perspectives for an understanding of the work of the Marburg school’s founder.

Balloon-borne Cosmic Microwave Background experiments

Stratospheric balloon experiments play a unique role in current Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) studies. CMB research has entered a precision phase, harvesting the detailed properties of its anisotropy, polarization and spectrum, at incredible precision levels. These measurements, however, require careful monitoring and subtraction of local backgrounds, produced by the earth atmosphere and the interstellar medium.

The short wavelength instrument for the polarization explorer balloon-borne experiment: Polarization modulation issues

In this paper we investigate the impact of using a polarization modulator in The Short Wavelength Instrument for the Polarization Explorer (SWIPE) of the large scale polarization explorer (LSPE). The experiment is optimized to measure the linear polarization of the cosmic microwave background at large angular scales during a circumpolar long-duration stratospheric balloon mission, and uses multimode bolometers cooled to.3 K. The 330 detectors cover three bands at 140, 220, and 240 GHz.

SWIPE multi-mode pixel assembly design and beam pattern measurements at cryogenic temperature

In this paper, we present beam pattern tests performed on the SWIPE multi-mode bolometric detector pixel assembly. A 20-mm-aperture horn is coupled to a large detector absorber (10 mm diameter) with a TES sensor located on the side. The pixel assembly has been tested at the bolometer base temperature of 340 mK, inside a custom cryogenic test bed, looking at a Gunn oscillator (128 GHz) located in the far field.

QUBIC: The Q & U Bolometric Interferometer for Cosmology

The Q & U Bolometric Interferometer for Cosmology, QUBIC, is an innovative experiment designed to measure the polarization of the cosmic microwave back- ground and in particular the signature left therein by the inflationary expansion of the Universe. The expected signal is extremely faint; thus, extreme sensitivity and systematic control are necessary in order to attempt this measurement.

QUBIC: measuring CMB polarization from Argentina

QUBIC (Q and U Bolometric Interferometer for Cosmology) is an ambitious project to measure the polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB), which can provide unique information on the very early universe and the cosmic inflation process. The QUBIC instrument combines the extreme sensitivity of cryogenic bolometers and the accurate control of beam-forming and auto-calibration ability of interferometers.

“Do the Gods play dice?”. Sensible sequentialism and fuzzy logic in Plato’s Timaeus

In this paper I propose a reconstruction of the onto-cosmological perspective of
Plato’s Timaeus and suggest an interpretation of it in the light of some contemporary
approaches to ontology and logic, i.e. “ontological sequentialism” and “fuzzy logic”,
attempting to use the categories and language of present-day ontology and logic to examine
from a different point of view some aspects of the Timaeus onto-cosmology and
of its logical scaffolding.

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