
Conseils sexuels par téléphone et technologies actuelles. Les lignes d’assistances téléphoniques sont-elles encore efficaces à l’ère des médias sociaux?

Les lignes d’assistance sont des services de conseil communs pour hommes etfemmes cherchant des conseils de santé, et sur des problèmes psychologiques et sexuels.Avec l’avènement des réseaux sociaux, les utilisateurs ont maintenant plus de possibilitésd’informations sur la santé sexuelle qu’auparavant.

A Biopsychosocial Model for the Counseling of Hormonal Contraceptives: A Review of the Psychological, Relational, Sexual, and Cultural Elements Involved in the Choice of Contraceptive Method

Hormonal contraceptives are among the most popular contraceptives used by women worldwide. Long-term adherence may vary significantly among users because of fear of side effects, unhealthy habits, and lack of knowledge, despite their proven effectiveness.
To analyze the psychological, relational, sexual, and cultural factors associated with choice and use of hormonal contraceptives. We highlight the importance of a biopsychosocial approach to contraceptive counseling.
A systematic literature review was conducted in September 2018.

Depressive symptoms, temperament/character, and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder traits in medical students seeking counseling

Background: To investigate depressive symptoms, temperament, and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder traits in medical students, comparing those who sought psychological counseling with those who did not seek it. Subjects and Methods: We assessed 49 students seeking counseling (mean age=24.4 years, SD=4.07) and 49 noncounseling controls (mean age=21.7 years, SD=2.6).

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