
Exogenous crimes and the assessment of public safety efficiency and effectiveness

This work discusses the issue on how to include data about property and violent crimes in the production technology for the assessment of police technical efficiency. It applies recent advances in Directional Distances and Nonparametric Estimators. We claim that crime is an external variable not under the control of the decision units in view of the fact that it is exogenously determined. The results from the Conditional Directional Distance Analysis can be relevant to cities with high property misdemeanors and homicide rates.

Immigrazione e criminalità. La "labeling theory" oggi

The work that will be here develop focuses on the sociological concept of deviance and, in particular, on the dynamics of migration in Italy. Starting from the explanation of all the theories that refer to the so-called sociology of deviance (especially with the contributions of of Lemert, Goffman and Becker) it will analyze the statistical data relating to italian and foreigners prisoners in Italy from 2008 to 2015.

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