
Media and information literacy skills. Media competences in the crisis of the italian educational system

Education, just like the media, and in close connection with the media, always plays an important role in the crisis, both in the anti-cyclical direction, as in the 70s and 80s, and in the cyclical direction as in Italy in the last period. Following the trend of relations among education, media-morphosis and crisis, the analysis focuses on distinctive characters of the current situation.

Crises and digital changeover as a source of disruption for business: trends and perspectives in Top Management

Economic and financial collapses, like 2008 Recession or current COVID-19 pandemic crisis, along with the ongoing digital transformation, constitute a significant source of disruption for business, representing a technological and cultural shift, and leading both, strategic and operational change. In the immediate post crisis, we have witnessed a spasmodic search for business solutions that appeared innovative in all sectors: new business models thus began to take hold.

Migrants or Refugees? The Evolving Governance of Migration Flows in Italy during the “Refugee Crisis”

Since the beginning of its experience as an immigration country, Italy has received only small numbers of asylum-seekers. Until the late 2000s, with the reception of EU directives on asylum, Italy had hardly any comprehensive normative framework on asylum. The so-called refugee crisis initiated in the second half of 2013, with hundreds of thousands people crossing the Mediterranean to reach Italy, has decisively changed these features. In such a context, how have Italian policies reacted to the increasing magnitude and complexity of mixed flows across the Mediterranean?

Four Generals in Budapest. The Inter-Allied Military Mission in Hungary (1919-1920)

In March 1919, in the midst of a terrible internal and international crisis, Hungary became a Soviet republic and was involved in a struggle to defend its borders by neighbouring countries. This situation resulted in the Hungarian-Romanian war that lasted until August 1919 and led to the occupation of the country, that in eastern Hungary lasted until 28 March 1920. The Allied council disapproved Romania’s conduct during military operations in Hungary.

Ripensare la transizione come categoria storiografica: uno sguardo interdisciplinare

In recent years, international historiography has devoted increasing attention to the concept of transition as a way to describe specific historical times that are characterized by deep and transversal change in every field of political and social life. The category of transition seems to offer an effective tool to investigate and interpret historical time in moments of change, while avoiding the shortcomings of teleological or evolutionist paradigms.

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