Crohn's disease

Layered enhancement at magnetic resonance enterography in inflammatory bowel disease: a meta-analysis

BACKGROUND Documentation of disease activity in patients affected by Crohn's disease (CD) is mandatory in order to manage patients properly. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is considered the reference cross-sectional technique for the assessment of CD activity. Among MRI findings, layered pattern (LP) of contrast enhancement seems to be one of the most significant signs of severe disease activity; however, it has also been associated with chronic disease and mural fibrosis.

The relationship between method of anastomosis and anastomotic failure after right hemicolectomy and ileo-caecal resection: an international snapshot audit

Anastomosis technique following right sided colonic resection is widely variable and may affect patient outcomes. This study aimed to assess the association between leak and anastomosis technique (stapled versus handsewn) METHODS: This was a prospective, multicentre, international audit including patients undergoing elective or emergency right hemicolectomy or ileo-caecal resection operations over a two-month period in early 2015. The primary outcome measure was the presence of anastomotic leak within 30 days of surgery, using a pre-specified definition.

Minimal open access ileocolic resection in complicated Crohn’s disease of the terminal ileum

The objective of this study was to evaluate the possibility to undertake an ileocolic resection in complex Crohn’s disease using a minimal open abdominal access using standard laparoscopic instruments. The incision was carried out over the previous McBurney scar, with a mean length of 6 cm. Seventy-two patients with complicated Crohn’s disease underwent IC resection in the considered period; 12 patients had a McBurney scar due to a previous appendectomy and represented the group of study. Feasibility and safety of the procedure were evaluated.

The impact of stapling technique and surgeon specialism on anastomotic failure after right-sided colorectal resection. An international multi-centre, prospective audit

There is little evidence to support choice of technique and configuration for stapled anastomoses after right hemicolectomy and ileocaecal resection. This study aimed to determine the relationship between stapling technique and anastomotic failure.

Ambulatory surgery for perianal Crohn’s disease. Study of feasibility

Background. One-third of Crohn’s disease (CD) patients present perianal fistula. The gold standard in the diagnosis and treatment of symptomatic perianal disease (PAD) in CD is the exploration of the anal canal and distal rectum under anesthesia (EUA). This procedure is mainly conducted as a day case surgery. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to proceed within the ideal timing and any delay may well represent a relevant clinical issue. The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of outpatient treatment of symptomatic perianal fistulas in CD patients. Methods.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma