cross-cultural differences

Measurement Invariance of Three Narcissism Questionnaires Across the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany

With a recent surge of research on narcissism, narcissism questionnaires are increasingly being translated and applied in various countries. The measurement invariance of an instrument across countries is a precondition for being able to compare scores across countries.

Cross-cultural differences in children’s conceptualizations of happiness at school

Children’s happiness at school has been mainly investigated from a quantitative perspective, largely overlooking what children understand by happiness and whether their conceptualizations are shaped by culture. Hence, in the present study, using a quantification of qualitative data, we investigated whether English (n = 421, M = 10.63 years, 223 girls) and Spanish (n = 223, M = 11.13 years, 112 girls) children reported different conceptualizations of happiness at school.

Doping Use in High-School Students: Measuring Attitudes, Self-Efficacy, and Moral Disengagement Across Genders and Countries

The main aim of this research was to test the factorial validity and measurement invariance across genders and countries of a set of instruments designed to assess high-school students’ attitudes, self-regulatory efficacy, and moral disengagement with regard to doping. A second aim was to examine the criterion and predictive validity of these scales.

Individual-level and culture-level self-esteem: a test of construct isomorphism

Several empirical studies have used the Rosenberg General Self-Esteem Scale (RGSE) to address issues of cross-cultural differences in mean level of self-esteem. The majority of these studies have mostly focused on the comparison of individual-level factor structures, leaving unanswered the issue regarding the equivalence of the factor structure of the RGSE across the individual and the culture-level, a condition called factor isomorphism. This is a particularly worrisome issue, given the large interest in cross-cultural variations of self-esteem levels.

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